Adventure Companion

a template for solo or group travelers who want to stay organised.
UPDATE: 'Up Vote' button! Now even the most passive travel buddies can vote their preference with a single click, to make decisions quickly!


I love to explore new experiences and the only thing better is to share that with people who matter.

But planning trips are a big exercise in researching what's good, opening hours, how to get there and costs, etc.

With Instagram, TikTok or friends' recommendations, there are endless list of things to choose from!

Getting everyone to agree on the itinerary and finalizing the bookings , isn't the most pleasant if anyone has to constantly chase for a reply.

Plus, someone has to keep track of ALL the information and documents for everyone.

That's why I created this template.

To easily plan the dream itinerary and taking into account the unique preferences. And if one is traveling with buddies, they can effortlessly add their own details whenever they want.

No more endless email threads, apps or lost PDFs – everything is in one place, accessible to everyone.

With the 'Enjoy your Today' mobile friendly view; any info like flight details, accommodation info, and all those must-have documents are just a click away.


I have used this and tested my template with my various trips and friends. Worked on numerous refinements for this first public version.

It simplifies the planning process with 3 major sections.

Step 1 : Collect all the ideas and information sorted by categories

UPDATED: With new group voting buttons!

Step 2 : Plan your itinerary for each day

Step 3: Enjoy Your Today - see only what you need just for that day with the customised mobile view.

The Fine Print

  1. By using the template, you agreed that the template is provided as is and neither the author nor any 3rd parties listed in the template are liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use of the template or links.
  2. Links provided in the example template are correct at publish time.

tetsuji h

Part of I'm a student of 'Building A Second Brain' of Tiago Forte, 'Linking Your Thinking' by Nick Milo, 'Human Centered Design' from HyperIsland and shipper from Ship30for30 by Nicolas Cole and Dickie Bush. Using those lessons and knowledge, I aim to build useful products that I use and are good enough to share. Using Obsidian, Notion and various a.i. tools on a daily basis.

Name a fair price:


What You'll Get:

A notion single trip template for solo and group travelers who want to stay organised.

Important points

1. You need a free or paid to use this template.

2. With the nature of a digital templates, there will be no refunds provided. 

First Public release.

2024.Feb Edition

  • 1 Files
  • 10Q-GetYourAdventureCompanion2402.pdf
    656.5 kB
  • 1 pages (~79 words)